Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oprah Crushes Smoking and I Tried to Help: A Review

Our subject, Aubrey, is spotted in the audience. She is already unsettled, as I would be, if I was on national television. But at this point I was sitting safely in my cubicle in Colorado.

"A half million people a year die of smoking-related causes, but today we're gonna change all that", says Dr. Oz.

Aubrey prepares to face the future.

Oprah tells of the physical effects of smoking on one's body and face, and offers "dramatic proof".

"Now, you're pretty to start with..." says Dr. Oz.

"so even as you age, you'll make a pretty hot grandma" (slightly paraphrased here, but not much)

Simply the prospect of aging is enough to horrify Aubrey, we're not even looking at the unhealthy future Aubrey yet.

There we go. It gets worse.

Some of the high-def detail is lost, but you get the gist.

Now is she going to cast aside those coffin nails? I'll never know.


rebecca said...

i wish i didn't feel the need to call you intentions for this post into question. does alex really want people to quit smoking...or does he want girls to know he and oprah are bff?

Unknown said...

This is a class act.
Dad B

Anne said...

i believe anything oprah says when she wears those glasses.

rebecca said...

is this blog dead? are you trying to tell us that nothing has happened to you since oprah? are you at least going to tell us about meeting dr. oz? so many questions...