Monday, August 20, 2007

Designer money

What are you doing out there in Colorado, Alex?

Well, here's one project: I just opened a checking account at Compass Bank. They pay all your ATM fees, no matter who the ATM belongs to and they have no minimum balance. Also, I found out when I met with the bank lady, you can submit a photo to be printed on your checkcard. I've put more thought into this than I should have already. I'm guessing the marketing people thought this option would be desirable for the college demographic, so i should just use a greasey face close-up of me and my best buds at Senor Frogs in Cancun getting HAMMERED! Instead I put together these three options, hopefully one will really impress the girl behind the counter at Qdoba's:

One of James Cormier's (a MCG classmate) monkey skulls. He lived with a tribe in the Amazon rainforest with his anthropologist wife for a year.

Christmas ham in the clean room.

This last one might be even more intense with a new background Photoshopped in, and I'd always have to explain that that's not my baby. Its my niece Vera's crazy face she does to amuse people, probably much more common now that she has a baby brother to compete with.

Keep in mind that blank space at the top is for the Compass Bank banner. Which one should I use?


TimS said...

Maybe one of you looking at the monkey skull? Or how about one of YOU with the crazy face to amuse US!?

Unknown said...

Oh you know which one I am voting for. I would even be willing to take multiple crazy face pictures for you to chose from if you would like.

annieb63 said...

i'd also opt for the crazy face, but second choice would be monkey skull (although, what if people think it's a human skull? yikes)

Stevo said...

If we are going to generalize the female population, you have better chances to charm the Qdoba girl with Vera's crazy face than any other.
The fact that it's your niece is as good as her being your own daughter, in terms of stranger's reactions to the card. I think Vera's going to win out. The ham one, I'm afraid, I think is stupid, and the monkey one is great.